This Is the Diary of A Girl

A mouth full of thoughts, and head full.

Saturday, Sept. 28, 2002 @ 00:10

Wow, it feels like I haven't been here for sooo long now... Five days only?!?! Yay, I'm back.
So much has kept me really busy whitch is nice, blah... And so many thoughts are spinning around in my head from this week. Litterally! I am so dizzy.

I don't even know where to begin.
I miss diaryland, all my favourite diaries to read, and well, everybody here!

Just this week has been very stressful.
Many new couples. An ordinary school soap opera. Some couples are really unexpected... I so don't want to get in to that bull shit, because I am single and free. Fuck off, not looking, meheh. Don't need a boyfriend, and be a part of all the popular things. Just as long as I am busy, occupied, and happy enough. I will be greatly fine.
So yeah.

Have you ever heard of goalball? A game where you are blind folded and chase a ball. Something like that. Well, I joined the school goalball team. I was so nervous to, because the experienced players throw the ball so damn hard. But I'm up for the cool game, and all the challenges and strict coaches that go with it, hehh. They haven't had team try-outs yet so far this year. This means the coach basically chooses people, (really good people,) to be picked on a team, going to Montreal to play against a super strong team.
The team that went to Montreal from our school last year lost, so I heard the coach was angry with everybody! So if I get picked, (I have really good defense) we better not lose. But our number one goal is "to have fun!"

I am still part of soccer. For sure! And I finally scored a goal this week, yayy!
I am: Sooo, sooo, busy

And yay! My friend Tyrone is giving me Windows XP perfessional! No more ME for me, hahaha. I don't even have to pay him. Well I do, just to give him a six page story I've written about the September Eleven attacks, that's all. Ccool! For the winXP.

Oh yeah, on a more serious note:
I almost decided to drop the science academic course because of the teacher. I don't like him, he's mean to the students, doesn't talk or act nice to us. I wanted to speek with the principal about him. But I didn't unfortunately... What did I do to him? It was basically our group (out of three groups) that was behind, and forcing me to go the speed they were working, whitch sucks! That's why I like to work alone and prove that I am ummm, me...
Damn, he also teaches applied course of science. I think I will survive it...

Umm, trumpet teacher.
Apparently he talked to my mother. Over voice mail though. Woah, how do I start this, anyway. He phoned my mother telling her it would be a damned shame to drop music.
My mum replied saying that I won't be missing any classes regardless.

My views:
I don't need an over protective trumpet teacher because well, it was so nice of him to teach me the basics of trumpet, and now I can move on teaching myself. You see, he's not really a brass teacher (percussion.) And since when was I dropping trumpet?!?!?! As I have mentioned before, I really, really love playing that instrument. The most enjoyable.
I don't like the style of that teacher anyway! Jazz. Oh right, he also teaches sooo slowly! I have been playing trumpet for five years, and I am only intermediot trumpet?! I should be un-intermediot...
Look sir, I am not dumb. As I've told my mother (and yes we've talked,) I don't need to dance to the drummer anymore.

Mum wants to find me an instructor that's perfessional trumpet teacher. She also doesn't mind the fact I want to teach myself. "Not a bad Idea, but I thing you should still have an instructor, or someone more perfessional..." Thanks so much mother. But she wants me to talk to my current trumpet teacher.
Hahh, will he get to offended if I say "Look sir, I no longer need to dance to the drummer." I really do have the skills to do this independantly. This isn't fare, he's unsure of my ability to move on with trumpet. I won't be getting a credit but at least I am moving at the pace I want.
It was really hard to have him as a teacher to because there was no competition at all. None what so ever. And I am ready for an enjoyable challenge.

But maybe we'll find a perfessional instructor near Kitchener. Hopefully... Was I blabbing to much?

Speaking of Kitchener, My mum, the watch me friend and I are headed off to Kitchener this weekend! Tomorrow morning! But I have to wake up at five, and leave very soon afterwards.
I am soooo happy I could barely type right! About time we head there. I got my mum a newspaper and two magazines for housing in Kitchener. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!

Mum's CEO was surprised to hear the news when we went to his house this night. He wanted to go with us, but his sister is arriving here tomorrow and he is recovering from surgery.
There were so many people at his house because someone who also lives there has a daughter. It was her birthday! I refused cake... Oh but not a stupid chocolate bar.
And there was a german couple there, some people I could finally socialize with. Shhh, I think they were westerners. But I sware, that girl just looked exactly like me.

Anyway, I really really can't wait til we get to Kitchener. And I should get some serious sleep now, cause it's getting quite late.

Byeee now -

PS: I never got that prize from the auction yet. And I never wrote back to that cute poor guy.

Miss these?

Letting It Go - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
Moment of Disbelief - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008
What the... - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
No More Cavities - Friday, Feb. 29, 2008
Ridiculousness - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008