This Is the Diary of A Girl

Preparing for another long productive week at school.

Sunday, Sept. 15, 2002 @ 16:48

*biting nails* I hope there won't be another big fight anytime, this week again in school. That sucked, majorly.

I didn't realize till today that I forgot my science book at school whitch I need a lot! I didn't have that much homework so I waited till today, and look what happened. I swore I brought the book with me. But, I will have time to work on the science this Monday, I already have an idea of what to do.

So then, since I already have the geography book I should work on something there in it, blah. Nothing was assigned, but I will work on a Canadian geography quiz. It looks so, very easy! And the Canadian average was fourty nine percent?! Hopefully I'll get more than double that... We'll see. It's cool, after each question, the average of correct answers are stated. That will help me, at least.

I also still really want a book to read. *stretches*
Oh yeah, I didn't bring my english homework either! Stupid me! Now what? Okay, I know I have to write a humorous personal narrative. So all I'll do for that suppose-ed homework is jot down a few ideas.

So just that english and geography quiz? Great then, I'm not rushed or anything... Still enough to keep me busy. No science yayy, but it'll be tomorrow. Maybe, I'll chat with friends again, finally.

Before I touch that homework, though. The watch me friend, her son Matt, and her sweet darling came over today. You see, I had to work on a recipe, and they were my taste testers, if they liked it or not.
This recipe is for a cooking course I'm taking, and I wanted to try the dish before giving the recipe to the teacher.

Okay, the gourmet I made was, penne (really nice vegetarian pasta) and a double tomato crostini (good bread with lots of toppings.) This is kind of a fancy Italian dish, the fanciest yet I've ever made! But variety is the spice of life, right? Heh, I hope this teacher will like it.
Cause the tate testers, They liked it "lots lots lots!" Especially my mother, woah. And don't forget me, I loved it! "mmmmmmm" The gourmet was very filling...

After I was finished that to write this entry, Bagels (purring,) started to really, really licking me. Another taste tester who like my gourmet, yayy!
So that makes, ummm, six of us who like it. Hmmmm, it would have made seven if Yum-yum tried it, but she's outside right now, currently.

Anyhow, till next time -
I shall get working on the Canadian geography quiz.

Oh yeah!, isn't that cool? I now have a drop down menue, awesome!
My total points update: 11,785.

Miss these?

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