This Is the Diary of A Girl

This is crazy. Lots of shopping.

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2002 @ 20:45


notice anything new?
No, not firstly, the new page name whitch sounds like a fucking anorexic thought... That scares me... I ment this to be related to relationships. "The difference between want and need is self-control." Doesn't that make sence in that kind of perspective? Just I hope an anorexic doesn't come across my site then.
But secondly, these colours! I like them, and so does Melissa and the rest of you. ...I hope... Makes it easier to read huh? I will never use red or green, hehh.
and thirdly, I got rid of the flip thing, so go ahead and try, it won't do it!

Besides new colours... I got a chance to go shopping at a huge thing in Ottawa. A yard sail, but biggg! Everything was so cheep.

I got:
Another vallux blanket but in a smaller size. And it has a silver and white horse on it, (colours I almost chose to use in my diary!) I love it! Again very soft. It was only eighty dollars, but the guy gave it to us for fifty dollars. Isn't that like, so nice?
Yes, some shoes! You all know I'm crazy for them. Black, Lepard shoes, qith a very pointy heal, but not that high. Ahem, about two inches. I love them too! They were fifteen dollars.
A black sleeveless sweater, for only two dollars, and it fits me perfectly! There was also one there that was burgundy, I don't know why I didn't get that also. But that's okay, I got lots of things anyway.
Two rings for five dollars. One of them that fits on my right middle finger has a diagnal strip of diamonds. My birth stone! The other one, whitch is on my left ring finger *smiles is a ruby stone. I don't wear it often because of a small sapphire ring with diamonds around it, don't really go nice together.
Ten bracelets for only one dollar. Eight silver and two black. All sparkly. I guess you would call these bangles or something. They're really pritty and sound cool. I really love these because they don't bend, like the ones I got from Toronto a couple of years ago. They were fourty silver of them in a package, very delicate ones that cost about twenty something dollars.
I got my mother, a glass, green vase, an exact one she already has. Oops... A small glass jar I don't know what she'll use for. and a large glass juice bottle with fruit all over it. She likes glass, so that's what she'll get from me to make her happy.

Surprisingly I didn't get any hair pieces. That's crazy of me not to! I couldn't find any, anywhere in that building. There wasn't much computer stuff either. But hey, as I said, I bought a lot of things...
I also didn't feel like shopping alone, that would be, uh, lonely... So I went with the watch over me friend and her "sweet darling." The watch me friend kept going to see the old lady dresses and candle holders and glass... While her sweet darling was looking at CD's and furnature... And me, of course, shoes!

Oh And, what is really strange, is that I always seem to wear black clothing when I leave the house. I wore all black today to go shopping. I probably looked like a creepy, freek show. Hahh.

Till next time -

PS: The first time I ever said "fucking" in my diary. Oh, that's something to be sooo fucking proud of. *frowns
My total points update: 11,374.

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