This Is the Diary of A Girl

Good. All good.

Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002 @ 21:24

An update to the previous entry practically.

I finally got out! Yes, I got the door open before mum arrived. You know how I did it? Okay. With a pen. I tried many things, but a pen decided to let me out. And, "hhhh" I was concentrating to find something that looked more like a key. Something thinner then a pen, and wider... Damn! That took me long enough! But at least I'm not prisoner!

Mum did come back. Yes. Not with the couple or the other people. Who ever did go there in the first place, anyway. They've decided to stay at the cottage for over night... Mum had to drop her CEO off at Montreal. She probably won't be back till midnight tonight.
And wow, it gets dark earlier now! Nice.

I'm actually happy the couple will be gone for tonight, though. Not to be naive. They were drinking lots of beer, and they were loud! They even broke my mother's door. So that's why I am not able to get out of here properly... Even a piece of this chair is missing! Yepp, I will point the finger at them but not say anything. Hmmmmmm.

Once my mum finally did leave, I discovered my cat Bagels behind the drier! She kept trying to claw her way out, it seemed. I don't blame her for trying that, haha. That's what I did when I was in here... Accept I don't have claws, unfortunately. :| Poor kitty. Bagels: "meeow!" I love. Her. Cute. "MeOW!> So... Kittyish... :)
Anyway, I don't believe she was there long. She's doing just fine now.

And I did live up to my promise of "not eating anything for the rest of today." Although my mother did try to get me to eat something before she left. But I said I would eat something later. I lied! Dam I'm hungry! :| And by the time she gets back around midnight or something, I hopefully will be sound asleep. I am soooo bad!

And something else for this day:
The West Nile disease was talked about on the news today. They were saying these two seniour men from Toronto caught west nile and that it's the first known cases in Canada. Yeah, like whatever! I don't think they should have said "first known cases" of the virus. I will agree that it was the most severe form of the disease in Canada, though.
Hmmm, It's also said that many people wouldn't notice if they were in contact with the virus. Maybe that's so, but I think you would notice when you get stiffness and throw-up, right? I sure noticed, but I didn't have to report it! I didn't even do anything about it. Nope. And I got over it just fine. Hahah. So it's safe for me to say that I am immune for life !

I seem to write about this stupid disease a lot. Gosh I am obsessed! Well, maybe not. :| I wonder how many other people did get this virus though.


Good night. I have to get to sleep before my mother comes back. Hahaha. :)
Untill next time -

PS: The auction I bidtted on from the Back to Back CD I never heard of before. The auction is over tonight. I'm just waiting for the e-mail that will tell me if I've won or not. I hope I get it soon! But this is such a good feeling. :) Many people have tried to out bid me today! Mehehhh. I will get this I know it!
Okay, okay. Good night to you all. *sneezed*

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