This Is the Diary of A Girl

Immune for life.

Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002 @ 22:07

I didn't really know why *I was pretty ill* or why my *appitite was low* the last few days, untill I heard the Symptoms of this virus or disease, whatever you call it. The West Nile Virus. Please, don't freek out though, the way my mun did, but she *understands* that you just don't die from the virus... For me it was very, very mild.

Symptoms of West Nile Virus: Most infections are as I said mild, and symptoms include fever, headache, and body aches, occasionally with skin rash and swollen lymph glands. More severe infection may be noticed by headache, high fever, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, paralysis, and, rarely - death. The incubation period in humans for West Nile encephalitis is usually three to fifteen days. It's comforting to know that only less than one percent of persons infected with West Nile virus do actually die of severe illness, okay?

For me, I only had on-off headaches, some stiffness, and some body aches like stomach and back, whitch lasted for only two and a bit days. How I contracted this was pretty interesting... Here I was chatting or doing something on the computer, and a mosquito came to greet me, "hello mister bug!" Hmmmmm, it didn't say anything back to me though, but nipped at my neck. "hahhh, killed ya!" I sware, it was sent to inject me. It the only mosquito that new I was upstares on the computer. Good thing I didn't let the *stupid mosquito* stay on my neck for a second longer, because, when the virus is injected into the human, the virus may multiply, causing serious illness... Ummm, when this happens, the virus multiplying in the blood system,it crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the brain. And causes inflammation of brain tissue. "ewwwww," but my blood didn't let it multiply. Hahhh, not enough west nile in me... Killed it in time...

Being a bit sick was all worth it though, cause now it is proven that people who contract West Nile virus, are naturally immune for a life long time. :| I'm like very, very lucky...

{ I guess that mosquito fed on that dead infected crow that was found in our neighbourhood, (witch it's cleared away now though.) I hope Yum-yum didn't catch it, and if she did, Bagels wouldn't be infected since it can't be passed from - *animal to animal* or - *human to human* , only passed around via dumb insects, unless she got bitten, "hehhh." By the way, Yum-yum came home this morning, about time!


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