This Is the Diary of A Girl

todays life and e-mail.

Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 @ 01:10

Today we my mother and me decided to go to the cottage. But we didn't go there because, it is really to warm and blah... So we went to visit the watch me friend and her son, and they don't even have air conditioning.
I didn't really want to go, but why should I be bored?
The watch me friend new I was visiting and she made a vegetarian dinner... It was really good: Eggplant, onions (I didn't like the sauce she put on them though,) and with whatever you call that Polish food that has doe and potatoes inside it... Umm... Something ... darn ... I can't think of the name yet!

*yawns* It was still very borring there to, but at least I was away from home... Yeah, for only like two hours. Anyway... All they did was play this strange game: batgammen or how ever you spell it, hehh. And, I just sat there watching this pretty interesting show, about the "world's scariest places." I didn't think so many places in the United States were haunted, would you believe it? Even Holleywood is haunted, some hotels and a cemetary were the places pointed out in that "famous city." Oh yes, they claim that the London Tower is haunted to, because that building is one of Europs oldest buildings... We left before I could see what was ranked number one. "ooooo!" Okay, enough of that...

Then late in the evening, the watch me friend came to visit us. She just chatted with my mum, stayed a while and, she sewed my black summer top. "Ccool ... it's one of my favourites..."

{ Okay this west nile thing is starting to freek me out again, I just got the same symptoms as before, even more mild this time though. Another "MR. Bug" found me at my computer, nipping at my elbow, but these symptoms occurred before this second bugger. "Disappear bugs, disappear! Go away! Get away from here!..." I even have a really sore spider bite on my back. Anyway... I didn't think the symptoms would come back to me, or maybe it's just an after effect... you can read about it from this earlier entry.

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I also recieved an e-mail from someone I haven't heard from in a while... It's rather personal, but this is my diary and I need to write this... Anyway... This person contacted me through yahoo messenger, and we've chatted since maybe umm, February of this year. He's from very far away from here: Lebanon. He's also a lot older than me, eleven years, this makes him twenty-six.
Okay ... He tells me he loves me. How is he so sure? He doesn't even know who I am in person... And love just isn't love on-line. Finding my love on-line isn't for me, finding a great friend is completely "another thing." He also tells me that he feels like he has know me for years. This makes the relationship even more difficult. And I will tell it right out: I don't love this person, nor anyone else on-line yet for that matter. I doubt it will be the way I meet my true sweetie, but if it happens then, too bad eh?

I do know that if I do tell him this, I will get non stop messages and whatever, from him. I just know it! Uh, on-line crap... Good thing then my sweetie doesn't do that, and know him in person...

~I didn't reply to his e-mail. I just deleted it. I only remember the subject was: ... hi darest. I am so sure he ment to write dearest, not darest. He's even more critical with his english than I am. What a silly mistake, but fine, I won't dwell over that...
I just want to end this relationship. It's not write, not for me. I have a new yahoo ID whitch he doesn't know yet. He still knows my e-mail address, and with yahoo, I don't think I could block anyone from it.

"woahh." He's the same age as my sister. Why would anyone love someone eleven years younger? Sure there's been worse, but like I said, this isn't for me. I thought we were just good friends from the beginning, but most, guys have to take it another step further. We used to chat very well, until he started saying he loves me, and that basically all it is now. Is how he feels about me...
Oh by the way, he's going to Germany, and then to sweden this September.

Well, good night diaryland people, and till next time -

Miss these?

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