This Is the Diary of A Girl

Wisdom is Painful

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2006 @ 21:47

Oh great, I started to notice my wisdom tooth pain. If feels like someone hit my jaw with a baseball bat. I had to take three advills, and still, the pain didn�t completely fade away. Luckily my appointment with the anesthesiologist is tomorrow. My landlords have this cream that you put on your gums to numb the pain, so I�ll have to try that. Apparently it tastes aweful though. That dude may suggest that I move he date so that it is sooner but I don't want to lose my memory before exams. I probably wouldn't but not risking it either.
The other day my landlord took down my seeling tiles because they are pealing and fibre glass was leaking and flying everywhere. It�s a good thing that lethal stuff is all cleared up.
Tonight my friend came to stay with me. Emily its Tyrone. Hopefully you won�t resent me or anything. I just knew it would be better for him to stay with me because other people he was thinking of staying with have parents or live in places where you can�t be very loud or have your music up high. Plus I know Brantford very well. I love having company, and my cats love him to death. He is only staying till Friday.
Tonight I went to the Liquor store and bought me some Rev and he wanted me to pick him up some Orange Swerl Seegrums while he is at the dance. I didn�t go because I needed to get some stuff done that is due tomorrow. Tomorrow is my last day until the holidays!

Miss these?

Letting It Go - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
Moment of Disbelief - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008
What the... - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
No More Cavities - Friday, Feb. 29, 2008
Ridiculousness - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008