This Is the Diary of A Girl


Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 @ 20:51

Well; everyone is dieing to know how I did at Canadian Nationals!
Before I even get to that, though.

The first day: I almost got on the wrong plane to Calgary. Close enough to Edmonton. If it were anywhere nicer, I wouldn�t have got off the plane.
Waiting for the second flight to Edmonton at the Hamilton airport, I got three painful blisters. I clearly didn�t need a new pair of shoes. At the hotel I limped around trying everything and anything to rid the pain.
Us girls got to stay in a suite! Once the boys found out, they ran up to our room and attempted to take over, giving us all the excuses to why they should have the suite for themselves.
The only thing was, our suite didn�t have an Internet connection, but the boys did. Another reason for Mike to keep my laptop! It was so nice of him to let me chat with all the wonderful people back home.

Wednesday began with an early swim practice. Not bad. We wanted to get it over with so we could spend the rest of the day at the largest mall in the world! With no sails tax!
you would never believe that I didn�t buy much. Only hair removal cream (ahem... Absolutely essential for competitive swimmers) for Mike who ran out of money because he spent it all on great quality computer speakers.
We just walked around, the mall was super huge! I was unsure of what to buy. I realized that when you have a lot of money, you have no idea what to buy, but once its gone, you want everything!
Oh yeah, there was another thing I had to pay for, for Mike, actually myself also. A really great, fast, roller coaster! Just listening to it at first gives you the chills. I couldn�t stop shaking and shuddering until about an hour after the ride.

We also watched Fear Dot Com on my laptop. Great movie, although the freakiest thing happened. Mike went to

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