This Is the Diary of A Girl

Spiders and Darkness should die

Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2004 @ 00:22

Taxi drivers are stupid brain-dead dumb fucks. It�s like none of them speak English. We really need a car. I would rather save up for a car instead of getting a new bed right away, but my mother is totally convinced of the opposite.
We had no choice but to take a taxi to the theater. I went to see Darkness. That movie is flatter than diet coke! I am serious. Don�t see it. Just about a family going crazy, they are possessed by these children who are obsessed by the dark and eclipse. Yup, made no sense. Somehow they portrayed the movie as more scary than it turned out to be. My mother really didn�t want to see it, and I should have listened. She wanted to see Meet the Fockers, or some other language movie.
Last night I finally got to see Miracle on 34th Street. I was impressed. And out of pure boredom I watched the Bill Board awards. Amy Lee performed My Immortal and she was as beautiful as ever. I really want her earrings. Some orchestra people were playing with her but you couldn�t hear them.
I don�t remember what I wanted to talk about for Christmas day. We didn�t do much, although mum made a huge turkey that only three of us ate. I want to personally strangle those who said they were going to show up but didn�t. It wasn�t because of flight problems either. Ah well, they didn�t get their presents. I tried convincing my mother we should just return them for our money back.
I got like millions of things: perfume of course, earrings, chocolate, shirt, and an oversized velvet skirt that my mother won�t return because it was the smallest one. I think my mother liked the gifts I gave her but she probably expected them. What she doesn�t know is that I am getting her motley crew tickets for her birthday.
This holiday is just dragging on. I can�t get myself to do anything. I only have half the 2004 review done. Well my mother and I actually have been pretty busy today cleaning out the laundry room � spider haven. There was so much junk that we collected up, we filled up six garbage bags. Most of the webs are gone, but if I went in there, I could probably find one. I wish there was something that would just make them disappear. I can�t stand the noise of a vacuum cleaner. I hate spiders. They should all die. I have been bitten countless times, and their bites sure don�t feel good and they get too big. It is really clean now and I�ll likely be bitten by a wandering spider. All this work today made me very exhausted.

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