This Is the Diary of A Girl

No Energy

Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004 @ 17:32

Why is it that I have to be sick on this holiday? It�s not fair. I can hardly talk, eat swallow, and my cough is horrendous, but my sinuses have gotten better.
In spite of not being able to do anything, I went out anyway. I went to see Flight of the Phoenix. I loved it! If you are in to the movie, it spurs so many emotions. There is just so much I liked about it... I would rate it 4.5 out of five.
It was a good thing I didn�t go anywhere today. Rain melted the snow everywhere. Oh just wait until the temperature drops, then everything is going to turn to ice. Mum went out for groceries and fell in a puddle over her knees. That would have made me so miserable. But she was laughing about it cause when she was walking, the boots sounded like �Squish, squish.�
She bought like a million candy canes. My favourite root beer flavour. You get kind of sick of the regular mint after a while. I sharpen the end, until it is extremely sharp, and begin poking myself. Force of habit I guess.
This year it looks like my cat will have a present after all. Just a little stocking with a toy candy bar, mouse, and two bell balls. My mother expects to have hers filled but she will just have to live with the few items in it, a mug, decorated mitt thing, chocolate, and little things. I really don�t have, and think I won�t have, the energy to go out.
I don�t have the energy to do anything.

Miss these?

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