This Is the Diary of A Girl

So much to do, so little money

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004 @ 23:04

I want to be in Athens right now. I almost made it, but I won�t just sit here and feel sorry for myself. At least I know that there were much better Canadian swimmers than me competing. It�s obvious the Australians are going to win though. Athletes, have fun!

So why was I away so long? Curse computers. In short, my laptop went corrupt, deleting all my files. I was in a state of frantic, especially since a day before I almost bought a 30-gigabyte external hard drive. No need to panic, I found them backed up on my S-drive. Also, all my personal settings were removed, and the Internet is corrupt. So I am back to using the crashing computer that has a mind of its own. I can still write on my laptop and transfer the file to the other computer thanks to my external floppy drive that I chose to buy instead of the hard drive. Yes, I could be a good shopper.

I don�t exactly know why this happened to my laptop, but I am going to call Mike because he�s smart. Hah! He just knows my laptop better than I do. I hate being limited on the internet, but I am not going to die without it.

I also need to call Mike because I miss him like crazy. His ex is now dating my ex. There�s a soap opera right there. They are perfect for each other because Crystal looks like she�s nine and Tyler looks like he�s ten. Well, that was Mike�s opinion. But yeah, they sure act like they look in the most immature way possible.

Anyway, I am going to another concert. I have to calm down because I can�t write. Yes, another concert! Not Evanescence though. A concert even more hardcore rock. Call me crazy. I bought tickets to see Metallica and Godsmack. I am going to go def. I am going to have so much fun. I am going to love it!

I have in mind who is going to go with me and it�s not my cousin. He has been a good sport but I need to go with someone who I can go crazy with and I haven�t even asked him yet. The only problem is Mike lives all the way in Windsor, and he is going to have to pay his own way here, but he is going to kill to go to a metallica concert. I don�t exactly have the best seats in the house. �Better than nothing,� my mother said. I had to be careful about the price. $57.00 per ticket but if Mike goes with me, he will only pay $40.00 back. Right now we are down to almost nothing and 57 dollars is a big bite. My mother went to bingo with the last bit we had and bought useless peaces of paper. Her excuse to go is, �If I don�t play, I don�t win.� I had to think of a come back, and I could only come up with, �If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.� Yeah I know, that wasn�t a smart one but anyway.

Just before we started sparing our cash, we went to the flea market. I didn�t get much, an odd necklace, an outfit that makes me look like a prostitute if I wear heels with it, and black nail polish that is blacker than black, blacker than jet black, my kind of black, so black it cost $10.00 for a little bottle. My mother only got a DVD. They were also selling cars and we have the number for a silver jeep Cherokee, but I don�t think we are going to get it. Used cars are bad. From spending so little left us with little money and my mother only had to gambol it all away. But from my little collection of coins, consisting of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, I managed to saved up $79.50. My mother is not getting much work either. The lightning caused some government computers to shut down and they couldn�t send her any work. How they happened to shut down I don�t know. The storm was bad though, constant rain, thunder and lightning for twelve hours straight.

I should get my coins exchanged for bills, but first, I need to talk to Mike. I think I only have his cell number. Hopefully he still uses it. I really need to, more than really need to talk to him.

Oh damn, from my last entry, I was going to explain the little plan. Well, your just going to have to wait.


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