This Is the Diary of A Girl

If Life Were Only Like That...

Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 @ 03:02

It would be fascinating to be able to read someone�s mind. To know really what they thing about you, their motivations, what they are thinking, what makes them tick, and what makes them succeed or fail. The list goes on. I wonder what drives people to be so deceitful, what makes them think revenge is the answer to their problem of jealousy.
What makes people lie? It could be many things, but to go as far as lie about their name, age, status, outlook on life. Why must these people hide? Can they face who they really are? These people think they are flawless. They think they can get anything. If they don�t, you better watch out, or else you will be the target of their hatred.
These people manipulate in order to get their ways. They are compelled to gain power and rule lives. This is when others get hurt. Usually partners don�t even recognize it because a dictator is what they need. When they finally leave, the abused is helpless. That is what the dictator wanted. Subjects of their targets are victimized for nothing. Just because the abuser is jealous.
These behaviours can only be treated if the sources chooses to get better. Usually their behaviour will never be cured because manipulating and controlling for the sake of getting ones wishes is to hard to resist.
I hope no one ends up like this. For everyone sake, don�t be afraid to question the types of relationships you are in.

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