This Is the Diary of A Girl

I Miss the Winter

Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003 @ 22:15

Imagine a world without the sun. How dark, beautiful and depressing it would be. Oh yeah, and cancerless.
It�s too hot to let me concentrate, and then I get so exhausted.
It doesn�t help when my laptop gives off heat too. There�s just so much I want to write and complain about, my brain just wont let me. My fingers type all the wrong characters, and I�m getting sick of writing things over and over again. Its up to the spell checker now.
And if I am complaining, all my wonderful friends in Europe... Wow! I don�t know how you guys put up with the heat. You guys are amazing!

I would do anything to be in the largest icebergs in the world. My mum keeps yelling at me because I look so pale. And blames me for not eating. Nonsense... I can�t eat because of the heat. I totally lose my appetite, and then I get extremely dry. What the hell is worse than feeling nauseous?
But, I won�t separate myself from my laptop. Not for a long, long time no matter what. Even with the heat. Even with my mum...

On another note. Hm. It looks like I have a long, hard working year ahead of me. Swimming and academics. And probably other things I don�t even want to think about. I don�t need to worry about the damned future. Why should I?


PS.: Just recently, I met my first online friend, but I�m too lazy to link.

PSS: Pretty please check out that new link above...

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