This Is the Diary of A Girl

Mamma Mia, Here I go again

Sunday, Dec. 12, 2004 @ 16:30

Okay, I didn�t die. It�s just been a long while since I�ve been here. I was supposed to go to a party today but went shopping instead. Malls are packed. Snow and ice are everywhere. Holidays are just so miserable. I want to leave Ontario.
A while ago, I talked about rejection, and this guy who was brave enough to try again, I accepted his offer. So, my boyfriend, a computer nerd, totally streamlined my laptop. He still couldn�t do anything about the damn monitor though. He�s a sweetie. He was very happy. Today is his birthday, 18th, and I got him a silver chain from Montreal, a sweet card, and maybe $20. For Christmas, I got him a black shirt. I won�t go on and on about what I got people for Christmas cause that�s just way too much. Especially for my mother.
My gosh I still have to get gifts for people still. Not for that bitch Angela though. I can�t believe she stole like $100 from me and a $90 Beyond Paradise by Estee Lauder. It was very stupid to carry that in my purse.
She was also one of the girls who came with us to go see Mamma Mia. I stayed as far as I could away from her. What a whore. I don�t want anything to do with her but her boyfriend is trying to make me give her support because her life is just so miserable that, oh, it�s just fine if she takes things from people. Yeah right!
Other than that, Mamma Nia was great. The place was packed. The mother forgot a bit of her lines, but no one else noticed. Since I�m 17 I guess I am the Dancing Queen. For gifts sake, I got my mother a mug, and I kept my ticket.
I�ve got to stop typing soon. My muscles are full of lactic acid. I exercise too much. I don�t swim with the university of Carlton anymore. What they do in two hours, I can do in half an hour. I need to get a trainer. The Canada games trials are coming up in the end of February.
Exams are over and I�m excited for my report card for once. My average should be great. I am excited for Christmas. And I�m excited for the swim meet on Thursday. I can�t believe I have to write another yearly review again.

Miss these?

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