This Is the Diary of A Girl


Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 @ 19:30

Yeeh hahh! Mid term exams are over! And, I aced almost of my exams accept for English and geo-graphy. The �math girl� (who got 98% on her math exams and I got 87%) only did better than me in math (of course) and English (which I almost failed anyway.) But, I failed ZERO exams!
In most cases, I did better on the exams than on the term (accept for the two I already mentioned) So this raised my average. The exam I did the best in was computers which I got 89%. One girl did better than me in the science exam, but I didn�t study very hard, I only have 83% for science, she has 84.5%. Well, the teacher would mark her easier, blah, but I don�t know if her exam mark made her average better than mine, but I know I have more that the math girl on the science exam. I got two percent more than her on the exam, and the teacher told us we were tied at 83% for the term, this sucks. I will get better than all of them. I am such a perfectionest and a striver. Yepp!

At least I am still an A student, just not an A plus anymore, this work is much harder, and I finally got used to getting low 80�s. It�s very different though now. I don�t like it, but unfortunately, it�s natural for me to fail 90�s now.

I don�t know what to do next year though, if I should continue French (I got 85% on the term) or to go into drama (which I enjoy) with a teacher who marks really hard, but French might get tougher then. Since I can�t decide, once I move, I will take a German course that I can ACE! And I know I get really good grades in trumpet too if I decide to take that again. I dunno. What shall I do?
I won�t take drama, cause I know that I can�t risk getting another 70 something along with English. 78% in English and 76% in geo-graphy. I think I�m failing.
I�m really scared.
I have to take the German course for a ninety something.
I have an idea what to do now.
It�s a goal. My goal.

Well, I�m lucky to have absolutely no homework at all. I don�t know what to do accept decide what to do next year. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

*PS: My black cat Bagels came back yesterday. She�s very dirty and still very skinny, I wonder how she survived two weeks in the cold winter snow. �My cat,� she hasn�t changed much at all. My sweetie.

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