This Is the Diary of A Girl

Yay, my cousin is back!

Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003 @ 18:15

I still don�t feel that well but it was nice to see my cousin again, fresh from Alberta, heh heh.
His famous chitchat, and lots of dramatic stories to tell. I think we all have someone like that in our families. He told me how very smart his eight-year-old sister is, and I certainly agree even though I haven�t seen her for quite a while. She�s the top student in her class. I know how hard that can be to remain that way; our whole family is full of top students especially in math, blah. I hope she does like super best in school... Maybe a jeopardy champion! She is a book warm, you know. �She read three volumes about seven hundred pages long in less than a week,� my cousin told me. Gosh I was impressed, whoa! �She would also laugh at movie sub-titles and laugh before my mother finished reading them,� he also said. Okay, she�s like very smart!

Mum and I were so glad to see him back. �The house felt totally empty, too empty, with out him,� she said.
If I already haven�t mentioned he was staying in Alberta with his parents and of course sister. And it was so nice of the family to give us presents for this year. Very late Christmas gifts, but for me early birthday gifts. A necklace with very small bright blue beads and a make-up bag for me. Then my mother gave $200 to get whatever he wanted...

Oh I can�t believe this!
After many years of smoking, my cousin quit smoking! We�re all so proud of that, and he�s determined to stay that way. He noticed how much money he�s saving and how much better he feels. �My sense of smell has improved greatly,� he boasted. Now mum must feel bad being the only smoker in the house. Haha.
That was the most drastic change of my cousin. Even though I know his five New Years resolutions, I never thought he would seriously quit smoking. That�s great...

Since I could never leave this topic alone, homework as comeback stronger than impossible. Ugh! Then I stand back realizing how much teachers expect. And the only things they want are work on time, good grades, co-operation, and participation. If I can even do that, then that�s great. I shall be the best me.
Our first week from the Holidays and we already have an assignment for English. Our sixth story of the year! It shan�t be that hard since maximum is 2 pages double-spaced. But we only get to choose a mystery or script; I might choose to do the script.

Will write again soon once I finish this stack of never ending work.

Miss these?

Letting It Go - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
Moment of Disbelief - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008
What the... - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
No More Cavities - Friday, Feb. 29, 2008
Ridiculousness - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008