This Is the Diary of A Girl

PAP Test-Smear

Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007 @ 20:12

(You might want to skip this entry if the lower abdomin area disgusts you)

Boy am I ever tired. I woke up to the �olk olk olk� of Little getting sick under the bed. It was a tiny pile of a hair ball and food particles. I hope it wasn�t the treats that made him sick.

At least I got up way before my appointment. I forgot to mention that it didn�t happen a couple of weeks ago because the nerse wasn�t in. I almost psyched myself out of it but I went anyway.

We first started off with weight and hight. Somehow I magically gained five pounds, but it�s healthy. My scale must be off. Despite this incredible weight gain, my blood pressure was quite low, 100 over 58. For a fit person, apparently, low blood pressure is normal. She asked a series of questions then concluded that I need to increase my calcium intake and should think about folic acid supplements. She was very easy to talk to. If I had any concerns, I would have told her.

I had to change into a gown. I was taught how to do a proper breast exam. There was nothing unusual but I was a bit tender because I fell asleep with a bra on a few days ago.

Then came the pap test. The speculum was a plastic one (thank God it wasn�t a steel one) and seriously it was too big for me. They need to make ones for women who haven�t had children. She actually exclaimed that I should have had a baby. It took her a long time to find my servix. Once she found it everything, according to her, looked normal. A couple of swabs were taken. It wasn�t painful but a little uncomfortable. The second part of the test was the physical which she did rather fast because she felt everything was good.

After the test was done, we went over a few things. My results should be available in a couple of weeks. Hopefully everything is normal and then I could get the prescription.


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