This Is the Diary of A Girl

Running, swimming, wrestling.

Thursday,, Sept. 05, 2002 @ 20:09

I've actually decided to join the High School Cross Country Running Team. I didn't do so well at all in todays running. I can't run the whole three kilometers that's expected yet. Damn. I practically walked more than half of the run today. How pitiful! Ahem, in twenty-seven digrees. But there's nothing I could do about that. I was dehydrated and ended up running with a dried out throat. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to drink pop before a long distance run like that. A vanilla coke by the way. Salty and cafinated eh? If that couldn't be bad enough for running. Water from now on.
And I had lots of cramps. I'm not used to running like that yet. Ccramps in my legs because I ran the previous day for fifteen minutes for an indurence test. And this morning I woke up with them aching. Terribly so! I don't know how I survived this run after school. And now I walk up stares like a snail! Ugh, my legs hurt so badly! Okay, so I really need to get in shape. It really feels like my hamstrings have been pulled out. Really painful, but I don't regret joining the running team. It's great for me.epiphany (the teacher,) can run so well. I'm so impressed!

Then after the run, I felt so dizzy. And my face turns red, eww. Running makes me mentally very happy and satisfied in strange unknown ways, but physically drained dry. But that won't stop me from running, you know.
I love running. I hate running. I like running. I hate to run...

I wish I was ten or eleven years old again. When I was able to run twelve kilometers straight. With out walking part of it. But I caught pneumonia after two years of competitive running, and my breathing slowed me down to much. A lot unfortunately.

I'm also thinking about joining the swim team in October. Or maybe not. I haven't been on that team for three or four years now. Travelling isn't the reason I want to join, though. Elaine travelled to Germany for swim meets in Berlin, and she got gold metals in every catagory! Just thought I could brag for her.

Anyway, I was approached by one of the swim coaches, and he talked about how the swimmers were going to Edmonton next summer. Oh, how appealing. But I don't think I could commit to a whole year thing like that. It's good that cross country running is for only two months.
I've been refusing to join the swim team, and they keep asking me year after year if I could join. Why me? I think I totally lost my skill in swimming now. I hate telling them maybe. I want to tell them no. But they don't hear me. It' seems. Okay, that was quite mean, but I don't want to participate.
My hair smelling of chlorine all the time, making it thinner and thinner. And skin unforgivingly dry. What horrible effects!

And next semester, I know I will be pressured in joining wrestling. I've never been in that, and I don't want to try it out either! Uh-uh. shakes her head I'm not lazy!... I do anything but swim team and wrestling, that's all.

Running is sure something I have a tallent in, and can improve in. That much I do know so far. Swimming, maybe not. Wrestling, definitely not. Maybe because eating habits do effect running more than the other two. Whitch I don't eat that much, or try not to. If you eat a lot and you wrestle, you can develope huge arms. Eek! Same for swimming, it'll effect the trisepts. And I'm not good at lifting big things anyway. Running effects more so the legs, but my legs are not big. I could easily lose weight faster with running than with the other sports.

I'll keep running! Even though sometimes I think I can't run this much, or that long, nah, but I can.

Till next time -

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