This Is the Diary of A Girl

postal mail

Monday, Jul. 29, 2002 @ 21:08

I hate when mail gets sent to the wrong address. Don't people ever update those files? Or whatever technology they use to send mails to certain proper addresses? We received four postal mails. They were all for, four different people. The only proper mail to this house was for my mother. The other mails were for Tanya, my old cousin who used to live here, and for my mother's ex-boyfriend.

Mum's ex-boyfriend came over to pick up some of his things, and he didn't mind the fact that my mum has his large suitcase for her stuff and that, well, he didn't look like he minded when I told him that at least. He also came to pick up his mail and the mail for his daughter Tanya. He said he was expecting more mail, and he was looking around the whole house for something, even in the rooms that have nothing to do with him in reality . and he was looking through papers and everything... I will just have to call mum and see what she would think of that. I got an odd/freecky feeling he was after my mothers big contract checks for her translations, and would cash them, but thats just me. And I have her mail hidden, in my room somewhere, out of anyones reach. Anyway, enough of my secrets and all that...

The (watch over me friend) Called me today, and said she would be here sometime this week. And she commented on how my mother was not going to be here for a while, and it was her responsibility to - blah, blah, blah... I already have someone watching over me, I don't need two people to watch over me now!


It's been really hot today. 34 digrees/C and humidity was 54%. Oh yeah, and it rained a tad.

So till next time -

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