This Is the Diary of A Girl

More Quizzies!

Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003 @ 18:55

Your programming language is Unlambda. It can't be
read or written by anyone but you, and you know
that drives your friends/boss crazy. Go forth
and ``s``s`ks

What kind of (Esoteric) Programming language are you?
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You are The Muse, Naresha
Naresha - You live in breathe inspiration that
comes from the Divines... You are a Muse that
also enjoys helping other writers in need. But
altogether... you have a tendacy to live in a
dream world. Your slogan is: "Unleash the
creative beast within..."

****What is YOUR Inner Personality?****
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Which type of cutter are you?
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You are a mysterious kind of person. You do what you have to do, but then disappear with out saying a word. People often don't get a chance to say thank you if you help them...

::Personality Quiz::
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Like the night. A mysterious presence lurks about you, while a
sense of security is also there. Maybe in a
past life you were hurt by someone that was
dear to you, or recently. Maybe thats why you
never let anyone close to you. Well open up!
No one can help you if you block them out!

A personality quiz
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White Mage

Final Fantasy 1 Personality Quiz
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Goth/Punk: you hate the world, but with the few
friend you have gotten you can be really
sweet(aww, you softie)

personality quiz
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I'm Gothic. Black Black Black. I have MORE than 10
Pirceings. Did them myself. Black is My Color.

Personality Quiz
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You are the black kitty, so dark and cool everyone
wonders what goes on in your brain.. but do
they really want to know?

If you [were] a Kitty what color would you be?
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Purple: You're creative and enthusiastic. You
show your emotions and tend to stay calm even
in chaotic situations.

The Color Quiz
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You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own.

What inner color are you?

Black Angel
You are a black angel. You seem ok on the outside,
but inside your hurting, and you tend to
depress those around you.

What color angel are you?
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Bravo, buon lavoro, Ich pense that du es esperto!

Language Quiz
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You are Latin! The language of the Roman Republic
and Empire (and later the Catholic Church), you
were spoken all over the place when Rome was at
her conquering best. During the Dark Ages and
the Medieval Period, you were the common
language of Europe. Some scholars say that you
are still alive--you are one of the official
languages of Vatican City, and zealous students
everywhere still try to speak you.

What Dead Language Are You?
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hoi logoi aristoi!
you're ancient greek, and you don't quite know how
to pronounce yourself. you love to have a good
time, but no one finds that out until they've
gotten to know you pretty well, because most of
the time you seem to be interested in dusty
books and horrible-looking charts of noun and
adjective declensions.

what foreign language are you?
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What foreign language are you?
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Dummkopf! Vei shpiek ju not GERMAN? Ju mast komplei
and tschensch jur kurrent Lenkwetsch reit nau!

What language are you supposed to speak?
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you are german - the language of logic

What language are you?
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You're language is German! A perfect language for
the strong, sensitive types. Used both for war
movies and elegant poetry.

What language suits you?
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Dein perfekter Manga ist..... Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne von Arina Tanemura!!!!! Dein perfekter Manga ist..... Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne von Arina Tanemura!!!!! Love, Comedy, Romance - und jede Menge Spannung!!! Tanemura hat einen wunderbaren Zeichenstil, der dir
bestimmt gefllt( wie der Test ergeben hat!*s*).

Dein perfekter Manga! (German Test, sorry folks!)
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Hm...oho! Ein ganz schlaues Individuum, hm?
Tja...dein Getrnk ist ganz klar auch die Wahl
der Dichter und Denker...Wein!

For all the German speaking guys out there (Welche Art von Getraenk bist du?)
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Gandalf ist dein Pate. Du bist ueberlegt und andere
sehen dich stets als weise an. Ganz genau
weisst du eins - manchmal sind Worte maechtiger
als jeder Schwertstreich. Und auch, wenn die
anderen in deiner Gegenwart dir vielleicht
widersprechen werden, weisst du doch ganz genau
- ein Ende ist nie nur ein Ende, sondern stets
auch ein neuer Anfang.

Welcher der Gefaehrten waere dein Pate? HdR/LotR German
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Perfect! A! You don't even need an Teacher as godd
as me, neither to Study! Du kommst aus
Deutschland oder?

Weiss Kreuz German Quiz
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Miss these?

Letting It Go - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
Moment of Disbelief - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008
What the... - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
No More Cavities - Friday, Feb. 29, 2008
Ridiculousness - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008