This Is the Diary of A Girl

I'm Back

Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004 @ 23:31

I am writing this on my laptop finally. Mike came back but I found that he didn't write anything about his vacation. That makes me mad. And like Tyler, he returned with a huge sunburn even worse. All on his back, legs, and arms. It's terrible. He can't even swim now.

But there is one thing he told me that is utterly nasty. His sister made out with a guy more than ten years older than her. Gross! I'd hate to go to a country with a lot of older horny men.

So about me!
Surprisingly I survived this trip. We actually didn't go to Ohio, instead Michigan. Some club in Ohio hosted the meet though. So I got confused, but what else is knew?

Friday was pretty much a relaxing travel day. The roads were extremely busy but we got through the border faster than we thought. After going in circles and circles we finally arrived at a really classy hotel.
We were going to our floors when all of a sudden these two guys ran out of the elevator talking about getting married. That was the first strange sight.

Saturday I had to swim 50-M freestyle and 100 M backstroke. For freestyle I improved by 2 seconds and backstroke by 7 seconds. I don't know how much the others improved and I really don't care. I just know I was still faster than the other girls were in our group, and it shall stay that way.

Something eventful happened that day. I got mad. I don't know what came over me. But this guy said something and I threw my goggles at him and he said "That is a bad representation of Canada."
Then I said something like, "There is not much of Canada to represent," and I threw my goggles again.
My coach got mad. He said I had an "attitude problem." I am surprised I didn't get sent home. I called so many people a "bitch." I don't know what saved me. I guess my coach didn't want to do all the paper work. I guess my punishment was going to stupid restaurants like Wendi's where there's not much vegetarian food choices.

Then we had to swim finals. It was crappy because they practically redid the whole meet. I swam exactly the same times, even miliseconds. Make you wander...

That night I became extremely homesick. I will never forget that feeling. I was afraid to call my mother because I would have burst in to tears. I just kept reminding myself of how happy I was in Edmonton away from home. I only got about three hours of sleep. It didn't help with that "spring up an hour" thing.

Sunday I kept my spirits up. I thought about what i had done the previous day and apologized to my coach. I didn't want to let the team down.

We all swam well. I swam the 200-M individual medley and the 100-M freestyle. I improved once again. The most improved was Emily for 100 freestyle by 16 seconds, but I was still faster than she was, hah!
The best thing of all is that I got first place in all four events!

Later we had a session with the top swim coaches to improve our strokes. They seemed picky but I had a pretty good time. I found out that if I were an American swimmer, I'd bve going to Athens. I'd much prefer to swim here because of the regerous training. The times here are much harder to make because Canada has some of the best swimmers in the world next to Australia.

We celebrated the end of the meet by going shopping. I had so much money I didn't know what to do with it.

The best store ever is Hot Topic! That's where I got an enormous pair of boots, and black and red spiked sweatbands. I loved everything there, I could so see myself in an outfit with a shirt that says "Leave me alone" anmd black jeans with a spiked belt. I also got a pretty black sweater from Babe, because that's what I am! My friend and I also checked out Victoria's Secret but didn't get anything. I couldn't find what I have been looking for, for the last two months, a black leather bra. They are nowhere and I really don't want to order from the net.

Monday we had to leave again. Another meets passed. It took us longer to get through the border this time.

Tomorrow is a swim meet in London, Ontario. So lets see if I still can keep my lead over the other girls.

Miss these?

Letting It Go - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
Moment of Disbelief - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008
What the... - Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008
No More Cavities - Friday, Feb. 29, 2008
Ridiculousness - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008